You know as well as I, that it is the members of the Bar who promulgate legislation on behalf of corporate entities; and, once passed by legislators, it is upon that legislation that the courts must act. So, now that the Lackawanna Bar Association has formed their 501(c)3 charitable Foundation (to promote youth justice education and ensure access to the law for Pennsylvania's most vulnerable), does it mean that individual Bar members will be legally able to conspire to retaliate against Notaries and Mediators who tap into their profits by resolving conflicts before they escalate unto litigation?
In compliance with Title 22 § 501, will pettifogging Lackawanna County Bar members now be able to appoint their own Detectives and Private Police to assure job security by harrassment and intimidation of Notaries and Mediators through a pseudo-beneficent NGO?
Title 22 § 501 reads (in part): Appointment by nonprofit corporations.
(a) Appointment authorized.--Any nonprofit corporation, as defined in 15 Pa.C.S. Pt. II Subpt. C (relating to nonprofit corporations) maintaining a cemetery or any buildings or grounds open to the public, or organized for the prevention of cruelty to children or aged persons, or one or more of such purposes, may apply to the court of common pleas of the county of the registered office of the corporation for the appointment of such persons as the corporation may designate to act as policemen for the corporation. The court, upon such application, may by order appoint such persons, or as many of them as it may deem proper and necessary, to be such policemen.And, since it is "the court of common pleas of the county of the registered office of the corporation" that is applied to "for the appointment of such persons as the corporation may designate to act as policemen for the corporation" - and the "Clerk of the Courts" for Lackawanna County is reported to be in New York - in which jurisdiction will their appointments be filed? Pennsylvania or New York?
Has there been a legal coup of our lawful constitutional form of government by Title 53 and Title 64 NGO's? And;
If so, why are the men and women of our state and nation still being led to believe that they live in a "free country" where the "rule of LAW" reigns supreme? And;
Without a bona fide constitutional system of justice, how will these corporate entities be made to compensate the men and women who have been feloniously robbed of their property and wealth, detained without warrant, and imprisoned under the "color of law" of their Bar members' seditious (criminal) enterprise?
Perhaps we need to review history. Perhaps we can begin with lessons from the "Reign of Terror" while we contemplate what it means to have a 501c.3 PENNSYLVANIA STATE TROOPERS ASSOCIATION, a nonprofit "Foundation to Support the men and women of the Law Enforcement Community", that can legally appoint their own private police force.
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