Judge, Michael J. Barrasse – 570-963-xxxx
Judge, Vito P. Geroulo - 570-496-xxxx
CC: District Attorney Andrew Jarbola, III - 570-963-xxxx
Representative James Wansacz – 717-772-2284/705-7018
Sen. Robert Mellow - 570-839-4816
Rep. Chris Carney - 570-585-9977, 202-225-9594
Governor’s Northeast Regional Office - 570-614-2094
Media - Bloggers and other concerned people: http://www.thetruthstore.blogspot.com
From: Veronica A. HANNEVIG
Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Pages: 3
This is to acknowledge my receipt of the intimidating attached unsigned demand for $120.00 from “debt collector” CHARLENE SARVER at NATIONAL RECOVERY AGENCY, PO BOX 67015, HARRISBURG, PA 17106-7015; “A PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION AGENCY” (presumably) on behalf of TRI COUNTY HUMAN SVC CT (3168952) for the services your court requested of them on 06/13/07.
With this fax I remind the court that on Friday, January 18, 2008 (see fax below this fax) I returned to TRI COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES their unsigned 12/31/07 extortionary demand for “120.00”. Also, via that same fax a copy was forwarded to Judge Vito P. Geroulo for presentment to his ‘bonded surety’, Michael Barrasse, for his payment to TRI COUNTY for the evaluative services he ordered; evaluative services that were not relevant to the Petition For Review of Constitutional questions regarding jurisdiction (or, agency), title (or, identity) and ownership (whether ownership of a bona fide American flag and 1987 Toyota Camry is “absolute” or “conditional”). Judge Barrasse’s “order” was designed to force me to either voluntarily comply with servitude to the Lackawanna County Commissioners’ prison industry for 18 to 36 months, or agree to assassinate my self’s reputation and character by voluntary submitting to an unconscionable and usurious payment with debt based money for a mental evaluation that would imply that I was somehow mentally unstable or deficient for petitioning his court with a Constitutionally permissible redress of a grievance. Such blatant disregard by officers of the court for the ‘rule of law’ makes me shudder with FEAR; fear for my self, my descendents and my nation!
Were the objective deliberations of officers in this Lackawanna County Court truly determined to adjudicate the above captioned dockets in the honorable manner anticipated, both Judge Geroulo and Judge Barrasse would simply offset any outstanding charges. (See the following FAX to the LACKAWANNA COUNTY OFFICE OF COURT COLLECTIONS dated Tuesday, March 11, 2008.) So, what else is going on?
Since the aforementioned fax was sent to TRI COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES, et al, on Friday, January 18, 2008; and while Judge Geroulo either failed to take action, or deliberately withheld his response to my petition, I have learned that ownership of the controverted 1987 Toyota Camry sedan VIN JT2SV21E6H3142887 had been conveyed without my knowledge to G&G Towing, Carbondale, Pennsylvania even while it remains insured by me through Allstate Insurance until July 3, 2008!
It has become apparent that a “pattern of racketeering activity” and “organized crime” has emerged in which “at least two incidents of racketeering” have been conducted by persons in the Commonwealth’s unified court system since February, 2005. The pattern includes, “extortion” of what I believe (absent any adjudication to the contrary) to be my property by Judges McGraw, Geroulo and Barrasse, the withholding of action with respect to my legal claims and defenses which include and is not limited to “kidnapping”; i.e., being held in a condition of involuntary servitude, and Judge Barrasse’s threatened force and fear to keep me therein under color of official right.
* * * * * * * * * * * * January 18, 2008 Fax * * * * * * * * * * * *
To-Fax (Email): TRI COUNTY HUMAN SERVICE - 570-282-xxxx
Judge, Vito P. Geroulo - 570-496-xxxx
Rep. Jim Wansacz - 570-254-7063, 451-3306
Sen. Robert Mellow - 570-839-4816
Rep. Chris Carney - 570-585-9977, 202-225-9594
Governor’s Northeast Regional Office - 570-614-2094
Media - Bloggers, and Other concerned people go to: http://www.thetruthstore.blogspot.com
Date: Friday, January 18, 2008
Subject: Update - FRAUDULENT MISUSE OF MOTOR VEHICLE, ID/DRIVER LICENSE CREDENTIALS by government officials and agents - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. VERONICA A HANNEVIG
Pages: 2
The attached TRI COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES unsigned 12/31/07 demand for "120.00" is hereby (via fax) being returned to TRI COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES and forwarded to Judge Vito P. Geroulo for presentment to his surety*, Michael Barrasse, for the payment requested for the services he ordered.
In the future, please submit any further billing to he who had bonded himself in suretyship with Judge Vito P. Geroulo and Magistrate Sean P. McGraw. Billing advice is as follows:
Judge, Michael Barrasse
200 North Washington Avenue
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
*Surety - Security against loss; a person bound for the faithful performance of a contract by another.
* * * * * * * Synopsis of the Controversy * * * * * * *
4. On February 3, 2006, via Certified Mail (70050390000226773478 and 70050390000226773485) I afforded Officers Reed and Fofi an opportunity to privately resolve this matter in accordance with law consistent with my non-commercial jurisdiction and their Oaths of Office, specifically Article 1 of the Pennsylvania Constitution and the U.S. Constitution with the first ten (10) Amendments as ratified in 1791.
5. On February 9, 2006 I received thirteen (13) SUMMONS with attached CITATION/SUMMONS wherein each the “Defendant’s signature” acknowledging receipt of the Citation was indicated by Officer James Reed as “FILED”.
6. I have no knowledge of my “signature” being “FILED” to be used as a witness against my self or in acknowledgment of any Citation with the City of Carbondale Police Department.
7. On February 13, 2006 Magistrate Sean McGraw, Esquire, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Magisterial District Court No: 45-3-03 was offered an opportunity to resolve what appeared to be a justiciable claim by providing statutory proof that would substantiate the thirteen (13) claims cited by Officer James Reed. Attached to this offer was an Affidavit of Publication of the Legal Notices that were run for four (4) consecutive weeks beginning 5/27/1999 to 6/16/1999 that advised the reader that the aforementioned Toyota would be identified by a private Flag showing "Sovereign, Private Property, Non-Commercial American" and copies of Certified Mail receipts showing the delivery of this ‘affidavit of publication’ to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, PA State Police, Lackawanna County Sheriff’s Department, the Department of Revenue, and the Attorney General’s office.
8. On March 17, 2006 a neutral forum for mediation (Alternative Dispute Resolution, ADR) between me and Magistrate Sean McGraw, Esquire was requested to resolve the underlying principles involved with diverse jurisdictions and the return of the property described in paragraph one (1) as a Toyota and a flag.
9. On March 17, 2006 I received from Magistrate Sean McGraw, Esquire, thirteen “NOTICE OF TRIAL SUMMARY CASE”, Docket Nos.: TR-0000155-06, TR-0000158-06, TR-0000162-06, TR-0000160-06, TR-0000157-06, TR-0000164-06, TR-0000165-06, TR-0000166-06, TR-0000159-06, TR-0000161-06, TR-0000163-06, TR-0000153-06, AND TR-0000154-06 wherein Magistrate McGraw stated, “This court has received your plea of NOT GUILTY to the above summary violation(s). The sum of $.00 has been accepted as collateral for your appearance at trial.”
10. Seeing that I had not entered a plea of “NOT GUILTY” to Magistrate McGraw or District Court No: 45-3-03, such unauthorized action by Magistrate McGraw might be reasonably questioned in that it would be deemed as practicing law from the bench, and/or acting under an alleged power of attorney that I had not granted to him.
11. Consistent with “the law of the Flag” and my non-commercial jurisdiction wherein I am obligated to ‘agree with my adversary quickly, while I am with him in the way’, on April 17, 2006 each of the thirteen (13) “NOT GUILTY” pleas were “FULLY ACCEPTED AND RETURNED FOR VALUE.” I further requested that the “TITLE BE RELEASED AND THE ACCOUNT CLOSED”.
12. Magistrate McGraw asserted his option to remain silent; 1. to my offer to him to resolve a justiciable claim by providing to me the statutory proof(s) that would substantiate the thirteen (13) claims cited by Officer James Reed, 2. to my offer to resolve the underlying principles and interests involved with an adjudication of title as it applied to my claim to diverse jurisdictions by ADR (see paragraph 7), 3. with regard to the return of what I believed to be my property (see paragraphs 1 and 11) and for which I continued to maintain insurance in good faith, and, 3. his prejudicial action as referenced in paragraph 10 herein.
13. By their prejudicial actions Magistrate McGraw and Lackawanna County Court of Common Pleas Judge, Vito P. Geroulo have shown a personal interest in the above captioned dockets and appeared to have deliberately instigated and maintained a pattern of events consistent with “larceny by fraud” whereby D.O.T. records now show G & G Towing as the “owner” of the controverted 1987 Toyota (see the attached DOT abstract and my proof of Allstate Insurance which is valid until July 3, 2008).
I do not take 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 lightly. Neither do I take lightly Title 1 Pa.C.S. § 1503(c)(4) and the “inherent and indefeasible rights” secured within Article 1 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - most specifically the control or interference “with the rights of conscience” - as provided in Section 3, and “any law impairing the obligation of contracts, or making irrevocable any grant of special privileges or immunities” as provided in Section 17!
Catherine Kacer - 570-496-xxxx
CC: Representative James Wansacz – 717-772-2284/705-7018
District Attorney Andrew Jarbola, III - 570-963-xxxx
Sen. Robert Mellow - 570-839-4816
Rep. Chris Carney - 570-585-9977
Governor’s Northeast Regional Office - 570-614-2094
Media - Bloggers and other concerned people: http://www.thetruthstore.blogspot.com
From: Veronica A. HANNEVIG
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Subject: Docket Nos: CP-35-SA-0000065-2006, CP-35-SA-0000067-2006, CP-35-SA-0000066-2006, CP-35-SA-0000070-2006, CP-35-SA-0000072-2006, CP-35-SA-0000075-2006 AND TR-0000860-06
Pages: 6
This is to acknowledge my receipt of Catherine Kacer’s invitation to me to “appear for a court hearing scheduled for 05/16/2008, 12:30 PM in court collections”. (See attached 2 pages.)
In lieu of an appearance ‘in the flesh’ I am including with this fax the three page “CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE” that was previously provided to the court on June 4, 2007 between 2:25 and 3:02 PM. The “CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE” preceded my prior 06/08/2007 appearance ‘in the flesh’ before Judge Michael Barrasse. As the court will recall, when I arrived ‘in the flesh’ for the previous “hearing” on 06/08/2007 I was subsequently incarcerated. It was evident that the “hearing” was not scheduled for me to be “heard” on the substantive matters originally brought before Judge Vito P. Geroulo as a benign “petition for review”, but for me to “hear” an irrelevant pre-textual conviction by Judge Michael Barrasse that was based on the false presentation of an unidentified “public defender”. I, therefore, responsibly choose to defend and protect my self from any further injury and abuse ‘in the flesh’ by your court and respectfully decline your offer to participate in a court hearing on May 16, 2008 at 12:30 PM in court collections; nevertheless I offer this court three ‘win-win’ options:
1. If you believe the purpose of your court is to show a profit for the Lackawanna County Commissioners as they “trade” the securities of the County through their listing in Dun & Bradstreet, then I respectfully remind you that I entered the Court of Common Pleas ‘in forma pauperis’ in May, 2006. As such, I presume the court to have the same authority to use the signature that Officer James Reed alleged to be mine to offset my Treasury Department “credits” for the alleged “debt” of $550.00.
2. If you believe that what I believed to be my property was indeed my property and I am due “just compensation” for it being taken without due process, then you can use the same signature that was used by Officer James Reed and offset my Treasury Department account “credits” and pay me the incurred “debt” that now amounts to approximately $xxx,xxx,xxx.00.
3. If the property I believed to be mine had always been the property of the State or Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and never mine, then I am due “just compensation” for the cost of that property and the (now) 18 ½ years that I had maintained it in good faith on behalf of the State/Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Again, the solution is the same. You can use the same signature that was used by Officer James Reed to convict me and simply offset my Treasury Department account “credits” by “debiting” my account the approximate $xxx,xxx,xxx.00 that is owed to me.
If you choose to offset my Treasury Department “credits” for the alleged “debt” of $550.00, please provide to me a receipt that it has been “paid”. Otherwise, a cashier check can be made payable to VERONICA A HANNEVIG and sent via certified mail to XXX MAIN STREET, SIMPSON, PENNSYLVANIA XXXXX.