Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Is your CONTRACT with the SSA legitimate?

Do the math.  Who owes who?

Minimum Social Security for retirees is reported to be $750.00.  So, if you, or someone you know, contracted with the Social Security Administration in 1958, under the "current" economy, and with FULL DISCLOSURE, met the stipulations of the original contract, what should be the contractual worth of that $750.00 in 2018?

In 2018, the relative price worth of $750.00 from 1958 is:
$6,510.00 using the Consumer Price Index
$5,110.00 using the GDP deflator

In 2018, the relative amount consumers spend worth of $750.00 from 1958 is:
$9,040.00 using the Value of Consumer Bundle

In 2018, the relative wage or income worth of $750.00 from 1958 is:
$8,580.00 using the unskilled wage
$10,100.00 using the Production Worker Compensation
$17,000.00 using the nominal GDP per capita

In 2018, the relative output worth of $750.00 from 1958 is:
$31,900.00 using the relative share of GDP

And, if you, or someone you know, contracted with the SSA in 1980, see and, again, do the math.  

For the definitions of these indexes go to The Seven Indexes Used
In 2018, the relative price worth of $750.00 from 1980 is:
$2,290.00 using the Consumer Price Index
$1,960.00 using the GDP deflator
In 2018, the relative amount consumers spend worth of $750.00 from 1980 is:
$2,900.00 using the Value of Consumer Bundle
In 2018, the relative wage or income worth of $750.00 from 1980 is:
$2,360.00 using the unskilled wage
$2,640.00 using the Production Worker Compensation
$3,740.00 using the nominal GDP per capita
In 2018, the relative output worth of $750.00 from 1980 is:
$5,380.00 using the relative share of GDP

Who owes who?


Consistent with the evidence of the dollar's devaluation, based on the SSA's contractual obligation to me.

How much should I be receiving at retirement? 

What happened?  

Why had the dollar devalued?  

When was gold and silver removed from our contracted coin?   

Who allowed for this breach of Article 1§10 of the U.S. Constitution as it applies to "tender", "ex post facto law" and "impairing the obligation of contracts"?  

When and Where did the breach(es) of contract occur? 

MOBILIZING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES - Educational information about States, Central Banks, Esquires, and the Federal Reserve System's revenue process of bonding and…

Article 1§10 - No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.

Increase your "Fund of Knowledge".

From The Philosophy of Rhetoric, 1911 - CURRENT Obscurity from Technical Terms

For the definition of the "current" adjective that is frequently used by media and politicians with regard to; "policy", "economy", "economics", "position", "health care", etc., see the attached definitions from Black's Law Dictionary, 1st Edition, 1891 to correctly interpret our nation's "current problems".

Is there a remedy for lack of remedy?  Yes.  It was succinctly penned in 1776.  Numerical emphasis is added for simplification.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
(1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and
(2) to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should
(3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation.