Origins - The concept of the Crown took form under the feudal system, evolving from and synthesising oriental and barbarian concepts of kingship. Under the feudal system, in England and (separately) Scotland, all rights and privileges were ultimately granted by the ruler (though this was not the case in all countries that had this system). All land was granted by the Crown to lords, in exchange for feudal services, and they in turn granted the land to lesser lords. One exception to this was common socage—owners of land held as socage held it subject only to the Crown. The Crown as ultimate owner of all property also owns any property which has become bona vacantia.

"The Crown" has its Treasury", and "The Treasury" has its agenda for stakeholders in "Crown Entities".
Treasury hirelings develop rhetoric and protocol to assure the success of their global agenda.What is a Crown Entity? - Crown entities are bodies established by law in which the Government has a controlling interest - for example, by owning a majority of the voting shares or through having the power to appoint and replace a majority of the governing members - but which are legally separate from the Crown.
Section 7 of the Crown Entities Act 2004 outlines the five categories of Crown entity:
Statutory entities - bodies corporate established through legislation;
Crown entity companies - often previously known as Crown-owned companies;
Crown entity subsidiaries - companies that are controlled by Crown entities;
School boards of trustees - as constituted under the Education Act 1989; and
Tertiary education institutes - polytechnics, universities and wananga.
Location: Washington, United States
Work: Policy Research Organization at Competitive Enterprise Institute
About: CEI is a non-profit public policy organization dedicated to advancing the principles of free enterprise and limited government. )
So, if the agenda of "The Crown" and its "Treasury" is to protect and defend the financial interests and statutory schemes of its proprietary investors,

then who is representing our interests?
Who do we, the people, turn to to defend and protect our interests and investments?
See also: